The 6888th Postal Battalion was first featured in a blog post in the November 2022 issue of the Family Jewels newsletter; however, it is definitely worth repeating! Tyler Perry is directing and producing a Netflix film about these incredibly fearless African American women. This movie has star-studded actresses including Kerry Washington and Oprah Winfrey. The movie is due to be released sometime in 2024.

The 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion also known as the Six Triple Eight was an all-African American, all-female postal military unit that delivered mail across England and France to American troops, government personnel and Red Cross volunteers during WWII. A warehouse in England stored millions of pieces of mail considered undeliverable. Mail improperly addressed or the shifting locations of troops made them hard to find. This affected the morale of servicemen because they could not receive packages or letters from loved ones. The Army estimated that it would take six months or more to deliver the backlog.months or more to deliver the backlog.

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt created The Women’s Army Corps (WAC) to include women in the war effort. First Lady Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt along with civil rights leader Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune advocated for African American Women to have a place in WAC despite segregation. By late 1944, about 817 African American women enlisted and trained in Oglethorpe, Georgia to serve overseas.

The Army established the 6888th battalion in February of 1945 and chose Major Charity Edna Adams to lead these women. They understood the perils of delivering mail in a war zone. The women of the “Six Triple Eight” worked three eight-hour shifts seven days a week around the clock to sort and deliver the backlog. Using this method, they created a new tracking system and managed to process the backlog in three months instead of the estimated six.

The British and the French celebrated and praised the 6888th but the United States ignored their valor and tenacity when they arrived back home. They returned to the United States in February 1946 without a parade, fanfare, or a hero’s welcome and the Army deactivated the unit shortly thereafter. On March 14, 2022, President Joe Biden awarded the 6888th the Congressional Gold Medal, 76 years after they disbanded at Fort Dix, New Jersey.