My 10th Cousin is Attila the Hun!
Not really but we’ve all heard some kind of far fetched family tale or rumor – your family comes from royalty, your 4x great grandmother was Pocahontas, or your 10th cousin was Attila the Hun. Believe it or not, there might be a bit of truth in every tall tale. As we get older, we begin to wonder…is it a fact? Maybe. So, we start asking questions and we can’t get a straight answer. Any family who knew the answer to the question has been long gone. Curiosity finally gets the best of you and you NEED to know if this story is true. Your best bet? Hire a genealogist!
But first, thank you for deciding to research your family history. It is important to know who you are and where you come from. Genealogy is the history of you and your ancestors. Some people will spend their entire lives not knowing the greatness that they stem from; their familial knowledge might only go as far as their grandparents. So, now start considering your options…
Hire a Genealogist
Genealogical research is a HUGE undertaking for the inexperienced. Attention to detail is important because there are a lot of dates and locations and people who share the same names. Organization is key also. You can do it! But…if you can’t, hire me! I can work with you or for you:
- Solve a specific research question concerning a family rumor, missing ancestors and/or verify familial relationship.
- Map out a research plan if you are an semi-experienced researcher and need some assistance or direction in scaling the proverbial brick wall.
- Teach you the basics about performing genealogical research online so you can experience the joys of discovering your ancestors yourself.
- Conduct the research for you and build your family tree along your direct line ancestor, a relative from whom you descend in a direct line (parent, grandparent, great grandparent, etc.) either on their maternal side, paternal side, or both.
If some assistance is needed, fill out the form on the Contact Us page for a free consultation. Thank you for considering Family Matters Genealogy in your family history journey.